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(1)中高产麦田高产麦田土壤肥力水平高,生产条件好。氮肥年投入过大,钾肥投入相对不足。在施肥上,应增加有机肥的投入,充分实施秸秆还田,实行控氮、稳磷、增钾、补微生物的原则。高产麦田(500公斤/亩以上),每亩施用有机肥4立方米,纯氮(N) 14-17公斤,磷(P2O5) 8-10公斤,钾(K2O) 8-10公斤。施肥方法:磷肥底部一次性施,氮肥底部30%施,拔节期60%施,孕穗期10%施;拔节期施30%钾肥,70%下部施钾肥。中等产量麦田每亩施用有机肥3.5 m3,纯氮(N) 12-15 kg,磷(P2O5) 7-8 kg,钾(K2O) 5-8 kg。施肥方法:底部施氮40%,拔节期追肥60%;抽穗期施钾肥70%,拔节期追肥30%;同时施用磷肥。 Micro-fertilizer application, you can choose to dress seeds with zinc sulfate or manganese sulfate, and use 2 to 4 grams of fertilizer per kilogram of seeds. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed in the middle and late stages of wheat growth to increase the thousand-grain weight of wheat. (2) Sowing wheat fields in the evening. In the late sowing wheat field, due to the stubble and late sowing, the accumulated temperature before winter is insufficient, so heavy fertilizer is required to promote the seedlings to achieve the purpose of strong seedlings before winter and rapid transformation in spring. Apply organic fertilizer more than 3 m3 per mu for high-yield fields, pure nitrogen (N) 14-15 kg, potassium (K2O) 6-7 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 8-9 kg; medium-yield fields use organic fertilizer more than 3 m3, pure nitrogen (N) 12-14 kg, phosphorus (P2O5) 6-7 kg, potassium (K2O) 5-6 kg. The fertilization method is 40%-50% nitrogen fertilizer applied at the bottom, 50%-60% topdressing at the jointing stage, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer applied at the same time. Targeted foliar spraying of multiple micro-fertilizers in the middle and late stages. In addition, in the wheat-cotton intercropping area, the potassium consumption can be increased appropriately.